


(STA.Dip.H , Dip.A.Astrol, MAPAI)

占星師、塔羅占卜師,現從事占星及塔羅教育、諮詢、寫作工作,同時亦採用風水命理及家族系統治療的概念於諮詢及研究當中。除了在香港地區外,亦往其他地區如馬來西亞講課,並曾於澳洲占星年會及英國占星年會演說; 客戶來自世界各地。Jupiter亦為香港傳媒網站《資本雜誌》www.capital-hk.com撰寫財經占星及《經濟通Etnet》撰寫職場占星的專欄,所出版之著作已有九本,常被邀請為不同機構企業擔任占星顧問、活動嘉賓,以及接受不同的雜誌報章、電台、電視台訪問。

2008年跟台灣著名占星師魯道夫成立「Academy of Astrology國際占星研究院」,為華人提供正統專業、有系統的占星教育。學院提供香港、台北的現場課及網絡課程,學生來自各地區的華人。本學院亦多番邀請不同的國際級占星大師來亞州講課,提升學生之占星學問至國際水平。而「Academy of Astrology國際占星研究院」亦成為了國際占星師協會APAI的認證學校,為現時第一及唯一一家以中文教授占星的學院得到此國際認證。 同時,Jupiter亦為英國古典占星學院STA School of Traditional Astrology之導師及文憑持有者,獲授權教授其古典卜卦占星證書課程。

Email 聯絡 : magiclifehk@gmail.com
Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/jupitermagiclife
Youtube : Jupiter 占星塔羅研究所
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jupiterastrotarot/  (中文)
Academy of Astrology : http://www.aoa.co/
STA School of Traditional Astrology : http://www.sta.co
Financial Astrology FB 財經占星 : https://www.facebook.com/jltiming/
Financial Astrology @ Stockviva 秒投 :Jupiter財經占星 ( 需下載秒投app)
Twitter : https://twitter.com/jupmagiclife (English)
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jupitermagiclife/ (English)
Linkedin : http://hk.linkedin.com/in/jupiterlai



Jupiter is a professional astrologer based in Hong Kong. She is one of the founders and tutors of The Academy of Astrology which provides professional training of astrology to the Chinese society, mainly in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan and China. She receives professional training from renowned astrologers and schools worldwide. She is also a tutor and diploma holder of STA School of Traditional Astrology in Britain. She is also a columnist writing articles on financial and business astrology for local media.  Up till now, she has published 9 books. She has an international cliental and provides consultation in astrology, tarot, and includes Feng Shui, and family constellation in her work, helping clients to understand their map of destiny and live out their potential to the fullest. Jupiter also appears in the media frequently and works with different corporations and brands like shopping malls, banks, fashion stores on various projects and events.



